Every Door Direct Mail or EDDM is a way for businesses to mail to every home or address in a specific area or zip code at a discounted postage rate. The mail piece has to follow specific EDDM USPS formatting guidelines, however when executed properly EDDM can enable small businesses to send targeted, affordable offline […]
Elements Massage Builds Their Brand with Quality Printing

At Printing Solutions, we understand the value of a good client. In fact we prefer to call them partners, not clients. Many of our partners are small businesses trying to find a niche in their respective markets. Others are larger, more established companies that enjoy the smooth, easy, one stop shopping approach that Printing Solutions […]
Deliver Cost Effective Door Hanger Advertising

Door hanger advertising is a great way to attract new customers to your business. They are economically friendly, visually appealing, easily distributed and very customizable. Well designed door hangers with an effective message can really help you muscle your way into the mindset of a prospective customer. In the ultra-competitive marketplace that exists today, it […]
Provide Custom Modular Displays

In today’s fast-paced, frenzied world that is driven by inbound marketing ideas like social media, email and other instant gratification efforts, many people have programmed themselves to “turn off” their minds and virtually ignore content that forces them to read large amounts of text. Instead, they have become more visually receptive to images and ideas […]
How To Raise Grateful Kids

At Printing Solutions, we are more than just a printing company in Scottsdale. Sure we can handle all of your printing and design needs, however we like to think of ourselves as partners to all of our clients as well. In other words, we don’t want to just provide a service to you, we in […]
Eight Choices That Will Change Your Life Forever

The following article was reprinted with permission from our friends at The Momiverse – a website dedicated to navigating the world of Mom by providing tips regarding life, a balanced lifestyle and personal growth for you and your family. Printing Solutions has been a supporter of The Momiverse and has provided custom printed business cards […]
Planning For Success With Printing

As another year passes by, we wish 2013 a fine farewell. Money was tight and there is no doubt that economic factors played a key role in limiting company spending. However, one of the great things about starting a New Year is that marketing budgets have been reset and companies are oftentimes eager to move […]
The Holidays and Your Pets

This friendly advice article was provided to us courtesy of Tim Heise and Absolute Pet Care. Providing fully insured, bonded pet care service, Tim works hard to ensure your pet will have the proper care that it needs when you’re away on business or vacation, working long hours, or needing that mid-day dog walk. As […]
Happy Holidays and Thank You to Our Friends

Another year is drawing to a close and Printing Solutions would like to wish everyone “Happy Holidays” and continued success in 2014. We would also like to extend a special thanks to all of our friends for continuing to choose Printing Solutions for their print and design needs. Thanks to your continued loyalty, we have […]
Defining Your Brand With a Custom Logo

What Does Your Brand Say About You? Does it tell people you are dependable, loyal and reliable about who you are and the products or services you represent? If it does, then the chances are that your logo is at last partially responsible because it represents your business on your website, business cards and other […]