How Retro Design Can Set Your Company Apart

Retro Design

The goal for most businesses is to find a way to carefully and strategically set themselves apart from their competitors. While you still want to be easily understood and recognized for the products and services you offer, you still want your own identity.

There is a balance that you should find when attempting to set yourself apart from others. You don’t want to go too far off the path just for the sake of being different and risk becoming totally invisible to your potential clients and customers.

At the same time, you want to avoid lumping in with everyone else in your industry to the point of seeming irrelevant. This is especially true when it comes to branding and marketing collateral.

So how do you both stand out and fit in at the same time?

Retro Design

When it comes to marketing, some businesses are turning to retro designs and strategies to reach their audience. This has recently emerged as a popular trend in attracting interest. Retro design automatically sets you apart simply because most businesses are trying to stay on the cutting edge. It also tends to give the look of an established business.

For a brand new business, a retro style, including logos and business cards, gives the impression that you’ve been around for a while. The look and feel of a retro style logo may indicate to some that your business is established and well-known. Even if your audience were to realize that you are new, you will still stand out because your logo is different from everyone else in your industry.

Customers and clients of all ages and from all walks of life tend to find comfort in tradition. Your retro style logo and marketing material can help to register a sense of tradition with your potential clients on a psychological level.

Retro Swag

At the next trade show you attend, either as an attendee or as a vendor, pay attention to the handouts that are being given away at each booth. It won’t take long to realize that, just like with logos, everyone is trying to stay on the cutting edge of swag.

Use this to your advantage and stand out by going retro with your tchotchke. Try going back a few decades with cleverly designed pogs (remember how collectable those things were?), guitar picks or even baseball cards. Your goal is to stand out just enough so that your swag doesn’t end up in the hands of the children of your potential clients. Or even in a trash can. It should be on their desk where you can remind them about who you are and what you offer.

For more information on creating a retro designed marketing strategy, contact Printing Solutions at 480-596-6300. From design to print, we can help you find just the right look and feel for your business.

Printing Solutions 2025