Marketing With Printed Greeting Cards Adds a Personal Touch

Printed Greeting Cards

Let’s face it. Everybody loves receiving a personal greeting card in the mail. Simply knowing that someone took the time to show that they care enough to remember you generally makes a person feel all warm and tingly inside. As a business owner, that premise makes custom greeting cards a potentially invaluable tool for building relationships with customers. By adding a personal touch to your marketing without a sales pitch, you can put a smile on your customers’ faces that they are likely to remember throughout the year. And that’s an example of the power of branding at its finest.

With the holiday season right around the corner, now is the perfect time to include printed greeting cards as part of your marketing efforts. Custom greeting cards are one of the best ways to demonstrate that you do indeed care and wish your customers the very best during this special time of year. Customers want to know that you value not only their business but also them as people as well. Therefore, a simple custom greeting card filled with warm wishes during holiday time can increase the likelihood that your client will remember you when it comes time to order again. Whether it’s a holiday, a birthday, a special occasion or even to just say “Thank You for your business”, sending printed greeting cards can be an exceptional, cost effective tool for securing long-term business as well as increasing customer loyalty and retention.

Greeting cards can lose their effect when they’re riddled with sales literature and special offers. A greeting card is, after all, an expression of your thoughtfulness and not necessarily a direct sales piece, which can cheapen the overall effect. The purpose of a greeting card is not a sales pitch, but rather a subtle and deliberate reminder of your branding. As an easy rule of thumb to keep in mind, the design should remain very simplistic. You are not trying to evoke thought or any complex ideas. Think of it in terms of a quick casual greeting that you may exchange face to face – “Hi we’re Printing Solutions, it’s nice to see you. How are you today?” In other words, a warm friendly greeting is all that is necessary. The front of the card should contain a logo with design that is pleasing to the eye and a very minimal amount of text.

On the inside, plenty of open, white space should be present. The messaging should be brief, concise and to the point. For example, “Seasons Greetings from our family to yours” or “Happy Holidays” are often enough. A simple “Thank you for your business” greeting card can do wonders for your PR and can drum up more sales than an overt marketing scheme.

At Printing Solutions, we offer custom greeting cards sized 10” x 7” and printed flat. They are then scored and folded to produce a finished 5” x 7” card. Our greeting cards are printed on either 14pt card stock with a glossy UV or matte finish or on 100lb linen. With the help of our talented design team, you can add a colorful, branded greeting along with a sincere personalized message to help build a personal relationship with your customers.
So remember ….. when you have something special to say, send a greeting card and make someone’s day!!

Printing Solutions 2025