At Printing Solutions, our clients come to us because we’re very good at what we do. We posses a skill and craft that requires many years of practice and training, especially for a designer like Justin Ketchum and Chris Danner. These two men work tirelessly to produce some amazing work for our clients, and we […]
How Should I Promote My Upcoming Event?

It’s always a treat when we get to help clients plan and promote upcoming event. Here at Printing Solutions we love being able to help people visualize a beautiful table or booth that brings great engagement and continued profit. We always want to make sure we are giving our clients the type of exposure they […]
Our Top 10 Favorite Inspirational Quotes

As a creative print and design company, we at Printing Solutions know how important it is to find inspiration in the little things in life. A positive outlook is something we strive for as a team (it’s even in our core values), and we love when we’re able to share that outlook with others.
4 Secrets Of A Successful Project Manager

At Printing Solutions, we work on projects a day to produce high-quality print pieces for our clients. With hundreds of successful projects under our belts, we’ve figured out what it takes for a job to run smoothly and turn out exactly as our client pictured it. A great project manager. Whether you’re thinking of hiring a […]
There Is No I In TEAM: How To Be The Best Possible Team

As a society, we love to revere the loners. History books are full of stories about lone inventors who make miracles happen, of generals who win battles, or artists who change the world with their visions. But here’s the thing about these stories: They’re wrong. Nothing great is done solo. Every great advancement comes from […]
What Is The Purpose Of A Business Card?

It seems like you can’t go anywhere without stumbling onto someone’s business card. They’re one of the most common forms of print marketing in the world. Any business worth their salt has one. Some people use that as a reason NOT to get a business card. “Everybody else is doing it, so why should I?” […]
18 Things That Will Help You Get Inspired

Inspiration is like a fire: You have to keep feeding it or it’ll go out. At Printing Solutions, we’re all about firing up our imaginations so we can keep on improving our services and products. Here are eighteen things that we like to do to get inspired.
The Ultimate Guide To The Best Team Building Activities

“You’re only as strong as your weakest link.” A strong company needs a strong team that knows how to work with and push each other to greatness. There are no weak links if every link in your chain is strong enough to support each other. A great way to bring your team together and keep […]
5 Lessons You Can Learn From Big Companies About Branding

“Branding is king.” It’s become a popular saying over the years, because it tells the truth. In the competitive world of business, if you want to rule your industry’s “kingdom”, then you need to have a powerful brand. A strong brand is the gold crown on your head AND the throne you’re sitting on. […]
3 Tips to Closing a Lead

For a business to grow, they have to get really good at closing a lead. It’s as vital a skill to business as cultivating seeds is for gardening. You could have the most amazing products and the most astonishing services on the market. But if you can’t sell those products and services to the people […]