How to Create a Cool Trade Show Display

Trade Show Display

Contrary to the saying, bigger can actually be better…at least when it comes to your trade show display. Trade shows are full of businesses just like yours all in one room competing for the same thing: clients’ dollars.

Related: Tips for Trade Show Success

In order to get some of those dollars, you need to separate yourself from the competition. As a Scottsdale printing company, we’ve been to our fair share of trade shows and we know that what’s big, bright and shiny usually attracts a larger crowd than what’s small, boring and conventional.

Think Big

The best way to do this? With technology and innovation. Digital signage and interactive touch screens are the latest ways to liven up your trade show display and set yourself a step above the pack.

You can now hook up LCD and LED TV’s to your trade show display to show off rolling graphics, and you can use lights to brighten up certain areas of focus. Use technology in your trade show design to display testimonials, showcase products or simply entertain your audience.

The point is to get your audience engaged. While technology is a great way to do this, another way is through innovative paper products and promotional items.

Provide Phenomenal Paper Products

Handing out your standard postcard or flyer at a trade show simply won’t cut it.  Instead, why not hand them a piece of paper that, when it folds, becomes an origami bird. Or a wallet. Something wild!

Get their minds working and they will instantly become engaged.

Here at our Scottsdale printing company, we can do it all. We can design and print your promotional products to your specifications and we can build you a trade show display that stops people in their tracks. Give us a call at 480-596-6300 and let us create something spectacular for you!

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