Vehicle Wraps: An In-Your-Face Form of Advertising

Vehicle Wraps

Reach More Clients With Vehicle Wraps

You’ve heard of walking billboards…but what about rolling billboards? In its most basic definition that’s what a vehicle wrap is. It’s a mobile way for a company to advertise across hundreds of miles and reach a wide range of customers.  You’ve no doubt seem them before: cars covered in striking graphics, text, and logos. They’re pretty hard to miss, and that’s exactly the point. It’s a simple, but genius form of advertising.

You might be wondering what a print company in Scottsdale, Arizona knows about vehicle wraps. And the surprising answer is: a lot. We have vehicle wrap templates for every make and model of a car. Not only that, but we can design, print, and wrap your vehicle to your specific requirements. Whether you want your whole car covered or only one panel or perhaps just the roof, we can handle it all.

We use the 3M line of products, which are the best quality vinyl wraps on the market. While prices will vary depending on the size of the vehicle and the portion of the car you want covered, the quality of the work is the same for all. Generally speaking, the vehicle wraps will hold indefinitely as long as exposure to the sun is minimal. In a place like Phoenix where the sun it always out, most vehicle wraps will last a year or two on average. If a portion of the wrap does start to crack, just let us know and we can take care of it for you.  Instead of replacing the whole wrap, we just replace the specific problem area.

Printing Solutions’ Vehicle Wrap Process

Turnaround time is typically two weeks: five to six days for design, five to six days for printing and one or two days for wrapping.  Once you’ve made the smart decision to advertise via car, you need to think about how you want your wrap to look. A long, wordy message isn’t the type of design you’d typically want on a vehicle wrap. A short, concise message works the best. In fact, there are really only three things you need your design to display: your company’s name/logo, what you do, and how to get a hold of you. Anything else is just non-essential information that will clutter your design and distract from what’s most important.

If you want a long-term form of advertising that will get lots of traction (literally), consider a vehicle wrap. Call 480-596-6300 for more information about vehicle wraps or any of our printing services.

Printing Solutions 2025