What’s The Cost Of A Vehicle Wrap?


If you’re trying to gain exposure for your business, a custom vinyl wrap for a personal or company car, truck, SUV, golf cart, trailer or even an RV or bus might be the perfect solution. Vehicle wraps are eye catching and easily convey essential information about your business quickly. They continue to be a successful marketing strategy for both new and established businesses.

Of course one of the first questions we get here at Printing Solutions when someone is considering a vehicle wrap is in regards to cost. Businesses want to know just how much the wrap will cost to determine if it’s the right choice for them.

There are several things to take into account when it comes to pricing for a vehicle wrap. Not all wraps are exactly the same and there is obviously some customized work that will go into each one. Here are just some of the details that must be considered when it comes to pricing for a vehicle wrap:

– What is the total area size that the wrap will cover?
– How complex and elaborate is the design of the wrap?
– Will there be intricate imagery involved?
– Is there existing artwork and design in already or are we starting from scratch?
– What type of vehicle will be wrapped and what is the surface condition of that vehicle?
– What shapes and styles will the wrap be applied to? (There is a big difference in working with a flat surface vs. the bumper or spoiler of a car)
– How long will the wrap be on the vehicle?
– Are there windows involved that will need to be covered with perforated window film?

The answers to these questions are fairly simple and straightforward. Once we have the basic information, we can then move forward with the next step, which is typically designing the wrap. Once we have the design underway, we can start preparing the vehicle to be wrapped.

A full vehicle wrap that includes the designing process will typically run between $2500 – $4000 depending on the details of the project including size and material.

In some cases, a full vehicle wrap is not what our clients are looking for. There are partial vehicle wraps that can still be extremely effective in conveying the right information. Partial wraps are obviously less money if you are working with a smaller budget.

If you are considering a vehicle wrap, give us a call and let’s discuss your needs. We have experience in creating excellent vehicle wraps that will help gain exposure for your business and send new clients your way. For a free quote on a vehicle wrap, call us at 480-596-6300.

Printing Solutions 2025