How Often Should You Update Your Direct Mail Design?

Direct Mail Design

The results are in and they show that direct mail marketing continues to hold its own when compared to website and email marketing. Using direct mail to reach out to prospective clients and customers or to stay engaged with an existing client base is still effective and should not be written off as an outdated form of marketing.

Still, there are key factors that play a role in the effectiveness of your direct mail marketing. You cannot expect results by just sending anything. There should be some thought put into each mailing, including the look and design of what you are sending.

One important aspect to consider is making changes or updating your direct mail design. This is a little more involved than one might think. Making changes too often could lead to confusion for your audience. On the other hand, by leaving the design the same for a long time, your direct mail ads may end up in the trash more than you would like.


Many marketing experts will point out that it can take a while to establish your brand no matter what type of marketing you are using. In some cases, it may take your potential customer seeing advertising from you 6 or 7 times before they will begin to associate your offer with your company. This makes clear branding crucial to any marketing endeavor. You want your audience to be able to clearly identify you from your competitors when they see your direct mail piece.

Keep this in mind as you make changes or updates to your direct mail design. While you can and should make some slight changes, be sure to stick to your overall brand for continuity and to be recognizable.

Stay Relevant

If you have previously run a direct mail marketing campaign that focuses on a special offer or a seasonal promotion, be sure you are making appropriate changes to your message along the way. You don’t necessarily have to explain yourself, but you certainly don’t want to send a New Year’s resolution piece in February for example.

Consider who your audience is and the goods and services you are selling as you make plans to update your direct mail advertising. Ask yourself these questions:

– Will my customer recognize who I am?
– Does my direct mail marketing stand out from the crowd?
– Will my offer be perceived as a value?

Designing and implementing a strong direct mail ad can be more involved than one might think. As you consider making updates to your campaign, give Printing Solutions a call. Allow us to share our experience and knowledge with you to create an effective direct mail marketing campaign.

Printing Solutions 2025