Why Should My Business Use Direct Mailing Services

Leverage Postcards

There’s no question that direct mailing services have a huge impact on purchasing. Last year, U.S. businesses spent a whopping $46 billion on direct mail marketing services, while 22 percent of people in a survey said they were more likely to purchase products or services based on direct mail than email marketing.

But just why is direct mail marketing so important to the success of a business? We’ve got a few reasons below.

Foot in the Door, Leg up on the Competition

One of the benefits of direct mail is that your brand makes its way directly into the homes of potential customers. Rather than one large piece like a billboard that may not even be noticed as your potential customers zoom down the freeway, direct mail has to be handled and touched, virtually guaranteeing that every customer who receives your postcard will look at it for at least a few seconds.

Low Investment, High Return

Direct mail is cheap, especially considering the number of eyeballs that will land on your marketing piece. Each postcard you send has to go through not only your customer, but also at least one mail carrier. That’s at least twice the number of customers you pay for, and even then, the price is low per customer — direct mail postage can cost as little as 18.3 cents apiece, which is about one-third the cost of a stamp.

Widespread Recognition with a Personal Touch

Because it is so affordable, direct mail allows businesses to target a larger area and demographic than they would be able to with other forms of advertising. This builds recognition of your brand on a broad scale, ensuring a better return on your investment. And because it’s an actual piece of mail, rather than a spammy-looking email, customers feel personally catered to, breeding instant likeability.

For more tips on getting the most out of your direct mail campaign or to request an estimate for your next order, give Printing Solutions a call at 480-596-6300.

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