Use Printed Products to Drive More Online Traffic

Who says print and online marketing have to be in competition with one another? At Printing Solutions, a premier Scottsdale printing company,  we see print and online marketing as companions, both working toward one goal: getting you new customers. Our advice to small businesses is to stop viewing print and online marketing as mutually exclusive […]

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Why You Should Consider a Door Hanger Campaign

All About Door Hangers Door hanger campaigns are nothing new. They’ve been around for quite some time and for good reason. They have a two to three second longer read time than direct mail pieces. For the most part, they are a proven and effective way to bring awareness and communicate a company’s message, but […]

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Deliver Cost Effective Door Hanger Advertising

Door hanger advertising is a great way to attract new customers to your business. They are economically friendly, visually appealing, easily distributed and very customizable. Well designed door hangers with an effective message can really help you muscle your way into the mindset of a prospective customer. In the ultra-competitive marketplace that exists today, it […]

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Planning For Success With Printing

As another year passes by, we wish 2013 a fine farewell. Money was tight and there is no doubt that economic factors played a key role in limiting company spending. However, one of the great things about starting a New Year is that marketing budgets have been reset and companies are oftentimes eager to move […]

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The Holidays and Your Pets

This friendly advice article was provided to us courtesy of Tim Heise and Absolute Pet Care. Providing fully insured, bonded pet care service, Tim works hard to ensure your pet will have the proper care that it needs when you’re away on business or vacation, working long hours, or needing that mid-day dog walk. As […]

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The Print + Design Guide

On a past episode of popular TV show “The Big Bang Theory“, main character Leonard was trying to “fit in” with his girlfriend Penny and her football watching buddies. As a Experimental Physicist by trade, his knowledge base was NOT centered around America’s game, so in order to freshen up for the big game Leonard […]

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Your Business Tagline Makes A Difference on Printed Materials

Taglines or slogans have been an integral part of advertising and marketing for centuries. Much like a logo, your tagline encapsulates your mission, your brand and the benefits of your business. With just a few words, an effective tagline can summarize the essence of what you are promoting as well as communicating a positive feeling […]

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Printing Solutions 2025