Learn How Successful Businesses Use Twitter to Gain Traffic

Use Twitter

Most small businesses today are still learning and growing when it comes to the use of social media. What we have learned is that there is much to learn. Trends come and go and social media platforms continue to advance, so it can be somewhat difficult to know exactly how to use social media effectively.

This is especially true with Twitter. Businesses everywhere have definitely recognized the value of using Twitter to promote their business and to connect with their audience. But they sometimes question how effective they are in using Twitter to push traffic to their website. Here are a few ideas that successful businesses have used to gain traffic to their website using Twitter.

Get Visual

Most people who use Twitter are aware of the 140-character limit inherent with any Twitter account. Instead of sticking with text-only, use pictures, images, and visuals to stand out and relay more information to your audience. Studies show that tweets with images or image links are likely to get twice the engagement of those without.

Be sure to choose photos and images that are clear and draw attention. The more that the images relate to content on your website, the better off you will be. You can also use images to tease or introducing idea.

Don’t Be Afraid to Repeat

One of the biggest mistakes businesses make when using Twitter is failing to recognize the differences between it and other social media platforms. Unlike Facebook, LinkedIn or even Instagram, it is easier for your audience to miss one of your tweets. In the past posting the same information several times on a social media channel has been considered bad practice. This is not the case with Twitter where your followers might miss a post.

The trick is using the same information in a creative way. Change the order in which you say things, change the wording slightly, or make other slight changes so that it’s not the exact same message going out each time. Repeating the information in your tweets can definitely help in driving traffic to your website.

Use Your Blog

Another way you can use Twitter to drive more traffic to your website is by cross posting information, headlines, or snippets from your blog. Rather than sending everyone to the homepage of your website, get creative and send them to specific pages where they will find information pertaining to specific product or service you offer. When you successfully use your blog and your Twitter account together, you’ll find you have a greater ability to come up with engaging tweets.

Twitter Campaigns and Print

Many businesses have found that by incorporating their twitter account with their print advertising they can build a greater audience and push more people to their website. For example, the next time you send out a postcard or a direct mail piece, include a Twitter hashtag that sends the recipient to a specific tweet. You’ll find that it is sometimes much easier to engage a prospective client through a 140 word tweet rather than a lengthy homepage.

Do you have more questions about how to use Twitter to gain traffic? Give Printing Solutions a call today at 480 596 6300.

Printing Solutions 2025