How Your Printing Practices Should Change During the Seasons

Marketing communication world

Print strategy goes beyond choosing colors and paper for your business cards and stationery. To truly be effective in reaching your customer or client at the right time and in the right place, you should also consider other significant factors such as the time of year.

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Changing your printing practices to coincide with the season of the year is an important opportunity to reach your clients on a different level. When they see your message, a message they are familiar with, conveyed in a tone and presentation that matches the season, it provides an added element of recognition. It also shows that you are on top of your game and have an understanding of what your clients are looking for.

While changing things up can definitely make a difference for some, it is not necessarily beneficial for every business to change their print practices for every season that comes along. It really comes down to what your products and services are and who your audience is.

Seasons of the Year

For some businesses, the season of the year has an enormous impact on their marketing efforts. Incorporating season specific brochures, mailers and other printed material is a great way to reach your customer base more effectively. You will find that your season specific material is a great compliment to your standard material.

Related: 7 Tips for Highly Effective Marketing Material.

For example, highlighting bright, vibrant colors with a fresh look is an excellent way to make your message stand out as spring approaches. Printed ads with fall colors are much more attractive to many as summer winds down. Plan ahead as you work on your printed material strategies to include material that matches seasons of the year that are important for your business.


People love holidays! When you can find a clever way to work your message into printed material that features an upcoming holiday, you are definitely on the right track. Of course, most businesses these days have found one way or another to tie in a promotion or special offer during Christmas, but other holidays can carry some weight as well.

Valentine’s Day, Halloween, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are all very popular holidays. Be sure to take the time to schedule changes to your printed marketing material so they coincide with holidays and other special events. You have to be sure to work ahead though. Waiting until the week before a holiday to order your design and printing is likely too late.

Talk with the experts at Printing Solutions about strategies to change up your printing practices to match the season. We have worked with many clients in the past and are full of ideas for you. Give us a call at 480-596-6300.

Printing Solutions 2025