5 Common Direct Mail Mistakes Most Businesses Make

Direct Mail Mistakes

For most businesses, direct mail plays a huge role in their marketing strategy. Time and again direct mail has proven to be one of the most effective marketing tools a business can use, and if you’re already utilizing it, you’re on a good track. But just because you’re mailing out postcards on the regular doesn’t mean it’s getting you anywhere. As with most other marketing tools, there’s a strategy to direct mail that shouldn’t go ignored.

Here are some of the most common mistakes businesses make when planning a direct mail campaign.

They Don’t Have a Goal in Mind

Sending direct mail without a goal in mind is like going window shopping — it’s a nice idea, but you end up with nothing to show for your efforts. When you launch a direct mail campaign, you should know what you want to accomplish. How many new customers do you want to bring in? What service do you want them to purchase? Take some time to plan your campaign before heading to the post office.

They Don’t Use Eye-Catching Design

With the slew of junk mail that people receive each day, it takes something special to really grab your customer’s attention. One of the biggest marketing mistakes a business can make is spending money on direct mail materials but not taking the time to make them visually interesting. Bright colors, a clean design, and a glossy finish all help your mail stand out from the crowd.

They Don’t Know Their Customers

Another huge mistakes businesses make is not targeting their advertisements — what appeals to one group of customers may be relevant to another, and you don’t want to waste your time and resources advertising to groups that are unlikely to respond. Be strategic about where you send your direct mail to ensure the best response.

They Don’t Have an Offer

When it comes to marketing, businesses often approach their mailers from the wrong angle. Direct mail shouldn’t be selling the service or product, it should be advertising an incentive for your customer. In deciding to do business with your company, a customer asks what’s in it for them. Why should they pick you over your competitors? Your direct mail answers that question and entices them with an offer, like a coupon, a discount, or a free consultation. Never underestimate the power of “free.”

They Don’t Follow Up

It’s not enough to just send eye-catching mailers to the right people. For the best response rate, you need to follow up. Everyone who didn’t respond should get a phone call within a week. If they responded to your call to action and requested a brochure or estimate, you need to follow through within 48 hours. This shows customers that you not only take your business seriously, but also value their time and effort. It shows that you care about them as a customer.

For help planning your next direct mail campaign, give Printing Solutions a call at 480-596-6300.

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